Usage | Operators |
Creating an observable sequence |
- create
- defer
- generate
- generateWithAbsoluteTime
- generateWithRelativeTime
- range
- using
Converting events or asynchronous patterns to observable sequences, or between Arrays and observable sequences. |
- from
- fromArray
- fromCallback
- fromNodeCallback
- fromEvent
- fromEventPattern
- fromPromise
- of
- toArray
- toMap
- toPromise
- toSet
Combining multiple observable sequences into a single sequence.
- amb
- prototype.amb
- combineLatest
- proto.combineLatest
- concat
- prototype.concat
- startWith
- merge
- prototype.merge
- mergeAll
- repeat
- prototype.repeat
- withLatestFrom
- zip
Functional - Sharing Side Effects |
- let
- publish
- publishLast
- publishValue
- replay
- share
- shareLast
- shareReplay
- shareValue
Mathemathical operators on sequences |
- aggregate
- average
- count
- max
- maxBy
- min
- minBy
- reduce
- sum
Time-based operations |
- debounce
- debounceWithSelector
- delay
- interval
- sample
- timeInterval
- timer
- timeout
- timeoutWithSelector
- timestamp
Handling Exceptions |
- catch
- prototype.catch
- finally
- onErrorResumenext
- prototype.onErrorResumeNext
- retry
Filtering and selecting values in a sequence |
- concatMap
- concatMapObserver
- elementAt
- elementAtOrDefault
- filter
- flatMap
- flatMapLatest
- flatMapObserver
- find
- findIndex
- first
- firstOrDefault
- includes
- last
- lastOrDefault
- map
- pluck
- select
- selectConcat
- selectMany
- selectManyObserver
- selectSwitch
- single
- singleOrDefault
- skip
- skipLast
- skipLastWithTime
- skipUntil
- skipWhile
- take
- takeLast
- takeLastBuffer
- takeLastBufferWithTime
- takeLastWithTime
- takeWhile
- where
Grouping and Windowing |
- buffer
- bufferWithCount
- bufferWithTimeOrCount
- groupBy
- groupByUntil
- groupJoin
- join
- window
- windowWithCount
- windowWithTime
- windowWithTimeOrCount
Imperative Operators |
- case
- do
- doOnNext
- doOnError
- doOnCompleted
- doWhile
- for
- if
- tap
- tapOnNext
- tapOnError
- tapOnCompleted
- while
Primitives |
- empty
- never
- return
- throw